How to use a Whītau Muka (Muka tie) for baby's umbilical cord

Thanks to the Wānanga Hapūtanga team at Taranaki for sharing this video with the sector. 

Safe sleeping tips for pēpi

One of our most powerful protective factors we promote to whānau is how to sleep their pēpi safely. Whilst these safety tips may seem simple they are life-saving and we encourage you to share this video.

Koha o Te Wahakura

Koha, a gift born from love and a taonga derived from ancestral knowledge and wisdom.

A reawakening of our Indigenous ways of being, and our indigenous ways of doing things when caring for and nurturing our pēpi, māmā, pāpā and whānau.

Te mana o te wahakura

Whaea Sonya Snowden reiterates the importance of understanding what it takes to create a wahakura. It starts at the pā harakeke for our whānau to safely sleep our next generations.

The value of the oriori

Appreciating the value of oriori and reiterating messages from the puku and through one’s lifetime. "We have to keep building that resilience in our tamariki. That’s oranga tamariki, that’s whānau ora!”

Te Mana o te reo Māori

Whakarongo mai ki ngā kupu ā Tunuiarangi McLean e kōrero nei mō te mana o te reo Māori. Hei tāna kua tuia tō tātou reo ki te wairua a kui, a koro mā, ā, inā noa atu ngā hua ki te kuhu atu tātou ki tēnei ao. Ko āna kupu akiakia ki a tātou kia whakatipu i ngā tamariki mokopuna ki tēnei o ngā ao, e mārama ana te mokopuna ki ngā mahi ā ngā tīpuna hei arahi i ā rātou mahi i te ao tūroa haere ake nei.

Te wiki o te reo Māori: Dame Rangimarie Naida Glavish shares the importance of learning, sharing, speaking and valuing te reo Māori.

Dame Naida delivers a korero on the importance that health professionals need to make strong attempts to pronounce Māori names correctly and with an appropriate tone and voice for the hauora of their patients. Like all languages te reo Māori has multiple meanings which do not translate easily or necessarily have the same meaning in English. She states that if we all nurture the taonga of the reo, we will all feel valued.

Shontelle Peeti shares her smokefree journey

As our goals are centralised with whānau, it is equally important that we prioritise whānau driven stories. Hāpai Te Hauora are grateful to Shontelle, who shared her smokefree journey for us to learn from. As we collectively pursue smokefree futures, we look to our communities to enable positive change for years to come.

Advocating for smokefree and healthy whānau

Professor Hayden McRobbie is a health behaviour change expert with a special interest in tobacco. He is currently a consultant in Lifestyle Medicine, Lakes DHB.
In this clip Hayden offers his substantial expertise in assisting whānau to stop smoking during his time at Middlemore Hospital.

Alys Brown shares how wāhine are the house of people

Alys shares how different whānau members can support breastfeeding and the wellbeing of mokopuna. Alys sees birth and wāhine as a taonga, just as ūkaipō [breastfeeding] is a taonga that has been passed onto us from our tūpuna. Wāhine are the house of the people, just like the marae, it is a house of protection, a house of nurturing. The act of ūkaipō, the act of breastfeeding is an extension of that.

Tash Wharerau shares how whānau ora practices can be better realised in the context of breastfeeding

Tash explains that while breastfeeding is a natural process, it does not always come naturally. Tash integrates knowlege from te ao Māori, western research and her own experiences to inform how she works with whānau to support holistic wellbeing. Tash recognises the strength of drawing on atua Māori [Māori deities] within her practice, which reminds whānau of the infinite potential which descends from our ancestors and deities.

Amy Wray shares how breastmilk is rongoā

Amy explores the connection between Papatūānuku and wāhine who both sustain and nourish mokopuna. She shares that for wāhine, we not only have the mana to nurture mokopuna within us, in te whare tangata, but once baby is born through our wai ū (breastmilk). Amy shares that breastmilk carries our DNA, it carries our whakapapa. Breastmilk is rongoā, which changes as the needs of our babies change. Ko te whenua te wai ū mō ngā uri whakatipu.

Safe Sleep

Our team has collated stories from Safe Sleep educators and those committed to whānau and mokopuna ora. Our team acknowledges the mahi those are doing across the sector to ensure knowledge is shared in a way that strengthens te mana o te whānau.