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The National SUDI Prevention Coordination Service alongside, Tobacco Control, Smokefree Activatio
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Friday, 06 June 2025
The aim of National Safe Sleep Day - Te Rā Mokopuna is to raise awareness about Sudden…
SUDI Prevention
Sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) is a leading cause of preventable death in New Zealand babies. New Zealand has a particular challenge in that, the greater proportion of deaths are in the Māori community, innovative approaches to addressing the inequitable SUDI rates is needed.
Thanks to the Wānanga Hapūtanga team at Taranaki for sharing this video with the sector.
One of our most powerful protective factors we promote to whānau is how to sleep their pēpi safely. Whilst these safety tips may seem simple they are life-saving and we encourage you to share this video.
Koha, a gift born from love and a taonga derived from ancestral knowledge and wisdom.
A reawakening of our Indigenous ways of being, and our indigenous ways of doing things when caring for and nurturing our pēpi, māmā, pāpā and whānau.
SUDI Prevention Online Training
The training covers the following topics:
- An introduction to SUDI prevention
- Connecting and engagement with whānau
- Consistent health messaging
- Accumulation of risk factors for SUDI
There is no cost associated with the training, follow the link below to register.

Safe Sleep Day - 6th June 2025
The aim of National Safe Sleep Day - Te Rā Mokopuna is to raise awareness about Sudden Unexpected Death in Infants (SUDI), with the vision of reducing the rate in which it occurs in our New Zealand families and communities. SUDI is preventable, and the risk factors for our babies can be significantly reduced should the right steps be implemented.