Safekids Aotearoa shares their latest campaign on button batteries and high-powered magnets. 

Although small, button batteries and high-powered magnets can cause so much harm to our tamariki.

Top Tips

  • If buying a toy, household device or novelty item, look for products that do not use button batteries at all.
  • Search your whare and any place your tamariki explores for products that use button batteries. Put these out of reach and sight.
  • Have a look around your whare and see how many high-powered magnets you can find. If you find any, remove them straight away. We also encourage you not to purchase these from online.
  • If swallowed, button batteries can begin to burn through the inside of a child's throat in less than two hours.
  • High-powered magnets are so powerful that when swallowed they can join together in the digestive tract causing serious harm.

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