Kay is the National Co-Ordinator of the Perinatal Pathology Service out of Auckland Hospital. She also currently has a small midwifery workload and specialises in the care of women/wahine with complex pregnancies. She consults on perinatal loss and the care of bereaved families/whanau and provides educational opportunities for staff at the Bay of Plenty DHB with her 10 years of midwifery lecturing experience.
She has been a midwife for many years and has provided primary midwifery care to women/wahine who lived rurally or remote rurally. She now focuses on the accessibility and equity of perinatal pathology investigations for bereaved families/whanau throughout Aotearoa/New Zealand. She is committed to reducing barriers for families/whanau when they are considering trying to find a cause of death for their pepe. Providing consistent, clear and sensitive information to both health care professionals and families/whanau regarding options around these investigations is also a priority in her co-ordination role.
Kay Jones RM
Ph: 021 578 185
Email: KayJ@adhb.govt.nz