Barriers to equitable maternal health in Aotearoa New Zealand: an integrative review2019 The purpose of this review was to examine the literature for themes of underlying social contributors to inequity in maternal health outcomes and experiences in the high resource setting of Aotearoa New Zealand. These ‘causes of the causes’ were explored and compared with the international context to identify similarities and New Zealand-specific differences. |
Alcohol and Pregnancy: Evidence Summary2019 During pregnancy, the baby is vulnerable to exposure to harmful substances including alcohol. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy increases the risk of harm to both mother and baby. These risks include pregnancy complications such as miscarriage, stillbirth, preterm birth, growth restriction (including low birth weight and small for gestational age), and developmental deficits. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is the term used to describe the range of effects that can occur on the brain and body of babies exposed to alcohol in the womb. |
An Integrated Analysis of Maternal-Infant Sleep, Breastfeeding, and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Research Supporting a Balanced Discourse2019 Breastfeeding and the place of sleep for the mother and the infant have been controversial internationally due to reported concerns regarding infant deaths despite the known benefits of exclusive and prolonged breastfeeding, which are increased by breastfeeding at night. |
Understanding the experiences, perspectives and values of indigenous women around smoking cessation in pregnancy: systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative studies2019 The prevalence of smoking during pregnancy among indigenous women approaches 50% and is associated with sudden infant death, pregnancy loss, preterm delivery, low birth weight, and anatomical deformity. This study aims to synthesise qualitative studies by reporting experiences, perceptions, and values of smoking cessation among pregnant indigenous women to inform potential interventions. |
Baby Box Distributions: Public Health Benefit or Concern?2019 An increasing number of countries, including Canada, the United Kingdom, and South Asia, are distributing baby boxes (ie, cardboard boxes for infants to sleep in during naps and at nighttime that are patterned from a baby box distributed in Finland) as part of initiatives to reduce the incidence of sleep-related infant death.1,2 Beginning in 2017, distribution initiatives in the United States included statewide and citywide efforts. |
Moana Research - Consumer Perspectives SUDI Protective Model2019
Whatuora: Theorizing “NEW” Indigenous Methodology From “OLD” Indigenous Weaving Practice2019 Despite Indigenous peoples’ deeply methodological and artistic ways of being in and making sense of our world, the notion of “methodology” has been captured by Western research paradigms and duly mystified. |