Swaddling: A Systematic Review2020 https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/120/4/e1097 Disclaimer: you need to login to Paediatrics to access the full research article. |
Māori whānau and Pasifika family experiences of sleep health messages2020 Te Hiringa Hauora commissioned Malatest International to conduct qualitative sleep research with Māori whānau and Pasifika family. |
Mai te whai-ao ki te ao mārama2020 Coming into the light – Mothers’ experiences of distress and wellbeing during pregnancy and the first year of motherhood |
Maternal mental health in the time of the COVID‐19 pandemic2020 With the pandemic of Coronavirus disease -19 (COVID -19) spiralling out of control, the world is desperately frazzled at the moment . A few empirical studies related to this pandemic have reported higher prevalence of mental health problems among women compared to men. In this context, pregnant women and new mothers could certainly be more vulnerable. |
Infant care practices and parent uptake of safe sleep messages: a cross-sectional survey in Queensland, Australia2020 Globally, the incidence of sleep-related infant mortality declined dramatically following the first public health campaigns seen internationally in the 1990s to reduce the risks of sudden infant death. However, Australian Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI) rates have plateaued with little change in incidence since 2004 despite two further public health safe sleep campaigns. This study aims to describe contemporary infant care practices employed by families related to the current public health SUDI prevention program. |
Potential effects of using non-combustible tobacco and nicotine products during pregnancy: a systematic review2020 The range of risk reduced alternatives to smoking tobacco is increasing and so is used among pregnant women. The substantial harms of smoking during pregnancy are well established and there is reason to believe that nicotine alone is somewhat harmful. Differences in the exposure chemistry strongly suggest that the effects of using smoke-free nicotine products (including pharmaceutical nicotine products, smokeless tobacco, and electronic cigarettes containing nicotine) fall somewhere in the range between zero risk to the risk from smoking. |
Poipoia Te Tamaiti Ki Te Ūkaipō: Theorising Māori Motherhood2019 This paper proposes a theory of Māori motherhood that is entrenched in our traditions, our tikanga and our philosophies. It asserts that despite the best efforts of a colonising agenda, Māori women have sustained, resisted and, where needed, reclaimed our own mothering practices and philosophies. Our histories speak strongly of the maintenance of our traditions, our outright defiance of impositions of the state and our conscious efforts to reclaim spaces of authority and sovereignty in our maternities. |