Alisha Fonmoa has worked in SUDI prevention for the past 8 years and is currently working at Te Puawaitanga Ki Ōtautahi Trust in Christchurch. After having her second child, Alisha has been out in the community working and supporting māmā and pēpi and running “Mums & Bubs” groups, which offers a space for connection and support.

Born in Opotiki in the Bay of Plenty, Lisa grew up in Kawerau, Matatā and in her teenage years Mataura, Southland. First learning to weave in 1987, starting with taniko Lisa then naturally progressing to weaving kete, whāriki, rapaki, maro, piupiu, and tukutuku.

The 15th data report of the Child and Youth Mortality Review Committee (CYMRC) published in September 2021 is available online.
Violet started weaving in 1974 and is still weaving today, always learning and adding to her kete of knowledge through the art of raranga (weaving).

As a Polynesian woman, Telesia Amosa, understands that her people love to co-sleep with their pēpi and tamariki. “Historically, the structure of our fāle (whare/house) tells us we’ve been doing this for many years,” says Telesia.

The number of fatalities is now 30 percent higher than in 2017, the year the government launched a programme to reduce the number.
We would like to introduce the new 'Power to Protect' Coordinator, Sheila Fowlie, who is replacing Grace Shallard. Sheila is passionate about the ‘Power to Protect’ programme previously known as ‘Never Shake a Baby’.